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GCMS serves students from Pre-Kindergarten through 12th grade as they grow academically, emotionally, and physically.


GCMS commits to partnering with students, parents, and the community.


GCMS motivates students through respect and enthusiasm for learning.


GCMS views success as the cultivation of lifelong learners.

I chose GCMS graphic

Nicole McNary

"At GCMS, we choose our students each and every day. Our jobs are not becoming any easier with various “outside influences” in society, politics, and the world in general, but we show up with smiles on our faces and love our students as if they were our own – that devotion and unconditional love for our students is the heartbeat of GCMS!"


- Nicole McNary

Lindsay Donovan

"I'm very excited to be working in the same family-friendly environment where my children go to school."

Lindsay Donovan  

- Lindsay Donovan

Seeff Grauer

"GCMS has given us more than co-workers and fellow coaches. Our boys have melded right in with the GCMS community. They weren't seen as outcasts but accepted as Falcons. There is a good reason that many GC, Mel-Sib, and GCMS graduates return to this community, a true sense of family. I chose GCMS, because of family, a continuously growing family."


- Seeff Grauer

josh carter

My name is Josh Carter and #IChoseGCMS…after GCMS initially chose me. Ten years ago I decided to leave my position with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes without a solid plan of action. So I checked the teaching postings in the area and saw that GCMS had an opening. After being chosen for what I thought would be a position to “bridge the gap” until I found something different, I quickly learned that this is a place I would be happy to have as a “bridge” to retirement. While other opportunities have come up, I have chosen to stay at GCMS because I truly love coming to work every day. The staff and students are enjoyable to work with and the community provides tremendous support for our schools.


- Josh Carter

kristin massey

My name is Kristen Massey and #IChoseGCMS. Twenty-some years ago, I was attending a nephew’s game at the elementary school. I vividly remember standing in front of the office and thinking to myself, “I really wish I could be a part of this.” I was happy and felt blessed to be at home with my little children but the school environment was calling me. Although I initially dismissed the feelings, a few years later (and after a short stint in the business world) I found my way to GCMS. John Boehner was looking for help with summer school and asked if I would consider joining the team. He knew I came from a family of educators and had pursued child psychology shortly before having a family. After that summer, I was hooked and when a position for a paraprofessional at the elementary came open, Cindy Peterson gave first-year principal, Shelley Overman my name. Years later, Shelley told me, “Kristen with all you were going through, I knew you needed GCMS as much as we needed you.” She was absolutely right! I may have found my “calling” but I also found my “home.”


- Kristin Massey

susan riley

I’m Susan Riley and #IChoseGCMS. In 1993, 25 people applied for a high school math position at the newly formed GCMS School District and I was the lucky one chosen. As a native of the Galesburg area, I thought I’d teach here for a few years then return “home.” It’s now 2019 and GCMS is now home. Although teaching math is everyone’s dream job, it’s the intangibles that have kept me in Falcon red and black all these years. Our students give me great hope for the future; many of our clubs and teams have service as a standard part of their programs. From volunteering at the local food pantry, cleaning roadsides or partnering with an elementary class, our students display a profound sense of service. As a faculty, we work hard to connect with our kids so they can feel supported inside and outside the classroom walls. In a small district, we get to know our co-workers pretty well; mine have been a steady presence during some of my darkest days while also rejoicing with me in life’s celebrations. I like to think that’s “a GCMS thing.” There is a great pride in the GCMS community; the support we get from parents and the general public is overwhelming. They invest so much more than tax dollars in our schools and in our kids. I’m fortunate to be on my second generation of GCMS students; I love to see alums continue to follow our activities and return for events; it lets our current Falcons know this is, indeed, a special place. #FalconPride runs deep. 26 years ago, GCMS picked me. Every day since, #IChoseGCMS.


- Susan Riley

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