GCMS Middle School

Good morning GCMS Middle School! Today is Thursday, October 27th.


Would you now please rise and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.          


Students, as you know this is the last week for the Socktober competition.  Here are the current totals.  3rd Place: Mrs. Thames class.  And we have a tie for first place between Mrs. Freehill and Mrs. Allen’s class.  


There is sign-up info on the counter in the office for any 6th, 7th, or 8th grade boys and girls interested in going out for Middle School Wrestling.  Wrestling practice begins Nov. 28.  Be sure to take an info packet and sign up on the sheet if you are interested.  See Coach Berry if you have any questions.


Students, you received a What is Title I? and school/parent compact paper last week in enrichment. If you return the last signature page this week, then you will be entered into a raffle for a free book. This is optional, and you may turn the signed paper into your enrichment teacher or Mrs. Freehill.  Also, if you attended the Falcon Pre-Game Celebration and have not picked up your free book, please stop by Mrs. Freehill’s room this week.


Attention 6th and 7th grade students.  There will be an informational parent meeting for the Washington D.C. trip on Wednesday, November 2 at 6:30 PM in the cafeteria.  


Congratulations to our 7th and 8th grade girls basketball teams.  Both teams won the Twin County Conference Tournament title last night against Prairie Central.  The 7th grade team won by a score of 22-16 and the 8th grade team won by a score of 35-16.  Both games were a lot of fun to watch.  The next home game will be on Monday.    


Red Ribbon fact of the day: 82,000 12- to 17-year-olds report using drugs in the last month in the state of Illinois. 84.15%  of those 82,000 reported using marijuana in the last 30 days. Underage Marijuana use can cause problems with brain development, memory and learning, panic attacks, and poor judgment.  Enrichment Kahoot! will happen today.  Get those brains working to be sure you're ready!


We would like for all students to do their check-in during the 1st hour.  This helps make sure that Mrs. V and Mrs. J can get to anyone who wants a check-in throughout the day.  


Also students, please make sure that your cellphones are off and stored in your locker and please be sure to sign up for hot lunch.   


Students, please remember to follow our school-wide expectations of Be on Time, Be Prepared, Be Respectful, and Be Safe.    


Thank you and have a fantastic day Falcons!