GCMS Middle School

Good morning GCMS Middle School! Today is Tuesday, February 28th.

Would you now please rise and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.           

Congratulations to our 7th grade volleyball team.  Last night they defeated Pontiac to advance to the regional championship.  The regional championship match will be Wednesday evening at 5:30 here at the middle school.  

Good luck to our scholastic bowl team.  They have a match today at 4:00 here in the library.   

Sign-ups for Middle School track are on the counter in the office.  All boys and girls in grades 6, 7, and 8 interested in participating in track should sign-up and be sure to take an informational packet.  Track practice starts on Monday, March 13.  See Coach Berry or Coach Jurik if you have any questions.

Attention boys that are participating in basketball intramurals.  Today is the first day.  It will go from 5:30-7:00.  This is for 6th and 7th grade boys.  If you have any questions please see Coach Berry.  

Students, Mrs. Jamison has created Twist it up Tuesday for lunch today.  Students will want to check out the memes on each table and sit at the table that has your favorite meme.  


Tardy reminder:  students please remember that tardies started over this week and will be counted for the next three weeks.  This will take us until Spring Break.  Please make sure you are on time to all of your classes.    

We would like for all students to do their check-in during the 1st hour.  This helps make sure that Mrs. V and Mrs. J can get to anyone who wants a check-in throughout the day.  

Also students, please make sure that your cellphones are off and stored in your locker and please be sure to sign up for hot lunch.   

Students, please remember to follow our school-wide expectations of Be on Time, Be Prepared, Be Respectful, and Be Safe.    

Thank you and have a fantastic day Falcons!